Annual Inter house Swimming Meet 2020

The Annual Interhouse Swimming Meet of Visakha Vidyala - 2020 was held on 30th January at the Visakha Swimming Complex. Dr. Kareeshini Pieris, former Swimming Captain of Visakha Vidyalaya was the Cheif Guest for the event while Ms. Buvini Kahandawala attended as the Guest of Honour. Ramudi Samarakoon a swimmer with National & International acclaim won the Best Aquatic Personality Award. The final Water polo match between Motwani & Dias Houses was the highlight of the event with Motwani House winning the championship. Weerasuriya house scoring 676 points won the 1st Place in the Annual Interhouse Swimming Meet 2020 while Jayathilake house with 527 points became Runners up.